Excellent Performance in International Rankings (International competitiveness & Innovation)
According to the 'Global Competitiveness Report 2019' published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Taiwan ranks 12th out of 141 economies, and 4th in the Asia-Pacific region, trailing only Singapore (1st), Hong Kong (3rd), and Japan (6th), while outperforming South Korea (13th) and Mainland China (28th).
The Global Competitiveness Report, published annually in October by the WEF , ranks over 140 economies using a framework containing four categories, namely, 'Enabling Environment', 'Human Capital', 'Markets', and 'Innovation Ecosystem'. Taiwan has attained outstanding performance in the categories indicators including macroeconomic stability, innovation capability, and financial markets, achieving the first, third, and sixth places respectively among the assessed countries. Also together with Germany, the US, and Switzerland, Taiwan has been named as one of the four super innovators in the world.
In the 'IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2023' released by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Taiwan ranks 6th among the 64 economies assessed.
Around May to June each year, IMD releases the World Competitiveness Yearbook, ranking 63 countries based on four categories, covering 'Economic Performance', 'Government Efficiency' , 'Business Efficiency' , and 'Infrastructure'. For more information, please refer to National Development Council -International Ranking